Advertisers… What to expect.

Other companies want to sell you room keys……We offer you a comprehensive managed room key program customized for your business.
  • Exclusive Contract with Hotels. There are several benefits to this! Most obvious are hotels CAN NOT use other keys with advertising for your EXCLUSIVE  12 month term—so you can easily calculate ROI because you know they used only your keys for a year.
  • Direct Dial Phone Programming. We do what no one else does! We create a hotline or speed dial directly from the hotel guest rooms directly to your restaurant.(*Not all Hotel Phones Systems support this feature.)
  • Unlimited Key Qty. Guaranteed for Your Twelve Month Term. We make sure the hotel has as many keys as is needed to ensure our exclusivity for your annual term.
  • Industry Knowledge Re: Hotel Rules and Brand Standards. This ensures the keys are in compliance with the hotel’s rules so they don’t get tossed during hotel inspection time.
  • Advertisers retain first right to renew their hotel contracts.
  • Full Custom  Graphics and design are included in the price.
  • Negotiated Menu Presence at each individual hotel.
  • Key Shipping Directly to the hotel is: “always included” at no additional charge.
  • Help execute and manage Hotel staff discount program for you. We make sure the Hotels staff discount programs are not only in place but also being utilized by the hotel.
  • One Low Fixed Price Per Hotel. All inclusive program, no hidden costs. Managed Room Key program price is comparable to, or less than what you would pay to supply hotel room keys alone!
  • Program Management and Follow Up. We manage the program for you and follow up with the hotels to make sure the program operates at maximum efficiency. 
  • We Guarantee our Keys: This ensures the hotels receives the right type of magnetic stripe or RFID chip for their specific lock system. (There are many different types of Magnetic Stripe and RFID keycards.)
  • Outstanding Customer Service: You will be assigned your own personal Global Media Group Marketing Manager who is knowledgeable and dedicated to personally serving you and your business.

There is just no way to “Short Cut the Process” and still receive “Consistent Results”.
It literally takes all these elements to get the results that we do!?