Free Room Keys For Your Hotel
- Keys are of the highest quality, period.
- Keys are produced with the correct magnetic stripe or RFID chip specifically for your lock system.
- Hotels approve the proof before keys are printed.
- Customized graphics to your hotel with all your hotel info. (Predicated on brand standards.)
- Compliance with your brand standards.
- Keys are issued in a projection of an annual supply. (You won’t have to beg for more keys.)
- We will gladly reprint if additional keys are needed to complete annual term.
- Keys usually have a discount offer for guest. Making the keys an amenity and added value for your guests.
- The restaurant is encouraged to set up a standing discount for hotel staff.
- Hotel never has to call restaurant for keys. Global Media Group follows up and maintains hotel key stock.
Free Key Agreement only has two hotel requirements
- Use the sponsored keys
- Don’t use other keys with advertising. (We will give you all you need.)